Tarot Spells

I created a simple handout guide for the London Tarot Study Group latest Tarot spells session that took place last Sunday. This is just an excerpt and contains a couple of exercises for you to practice creating your own Tarot Spells. The full version of the course can be bought on my website in the COURSES section. Feel free to add comments and/or feedback :). Most of all, have witchy fun 😉


The Light Exchange

I had a beautiful dream last week of floating above a green hill and ahead of me a beautiful castle/palace, bright white and shining with light. It felt an immensely peaceful place but, although it had 4 towers and walls, there were no windows. I endeavour to go back to the dream and I have also asked for clarity as to what that place represents for me. Unfortunately this week I simply have been too busy and tired to properly give it a try, however I have started to paint what it “felt” like for me. This is the first outline and by no means finished, I still need to add more layers and details. I have to say this is not what I expected to appear on the canvas :). Will post the finished work once done.

The Light Exchange

Automatic writing

Channeled writing is quite a popular mean of expression amongst mediums and psychic workers.  It is possibly the simplest way to channel, even for those that have difficulty with other means. But, although I think (in my opinion) that it is probably the easiest method it encounters the same difficulties as all others. Because in order for it to work you really need to let go of your thinking brain, your left side brain.

Writers will know the feeling I describe.  Or musicians or any artist that all of a sudden has an “inspiration” and starts “free-flowing”. Automatic writing works in exactly the same way regardless of where the information comes from (subconscious, spirit guides, lost souls, higher beings etc).

I usually have drifting thoughts and I recognize them as different so then I relax, grab pen and paper and start to write (or paint but usually I get colour images then).  If you are not an artist nor used to work with your intuitive right brain you can still try. Exercise it by drawing (does not matter if you are good!), practising writing with your left hand (or right if left-handed), singing, meditating and anything that does not involve logic thought or focusing on a task. Free flow, let it come through no matter how silly it might seem or how it does not make sense. In fact the first few times it probably won’t and even after you become more accustomed to it is still not an exact science. Do not expect to write sentences in perfect grammar, that is not the point. The calligraphy might be (often is) totally different from yours and words my be foreign. Automatic writing is not about you sitting at the word processor and writing a piece (that would be creative writing), it is about channeling information and words from sources beyond this plane therefore it is expected that they won’t sound like you have just dictated them!

Find what you feel comfortable with (meditation, music as an example) and try it out, dedicate a journal to it and try as often as you can. Like with dreams make a point of trying to interpret the writings and the symbols that might be contained within.

An example of channeled writing (by me) can be found in my post Channeled messages


The Lightbringer

A dream I had quite a few days ago, I now feel comfortable to share it, during parts of it I was actually not in deep sleep as I kept waking and continuing it:

“I am in a building, with other people, it “feels” like a school, it is pleasant and light. I decide I want to exit and I go through 2 oakish doors. A voice says: if you leave you will not be able to get back in. I leave. To see pretty much Armageddon or “the floods”, hoards of people (souls wandering aimlessly in the water), some bathing in the street fountains…It feels eerie. I exit and slide down through the street level, sliding on the water-soaked pavement. On my right a tunnel under the road, more like a road tunnel, cement on both sides. I jump, down then remember I forgot my bag so go back up, as I grab the railing a spider, tiny, I remember thinking: good! The web-weaver will protect me. Back into the tunnel, it gets narrower as I go in almost squashing me. Then I am in huge mall like white building. I walk around and here he comes, a beautiful naked darkish skinned, long black-haired male. He says he is here to guide me. He puts his arm around me, all throughout the dream he holds me, nothing sexual about it though. As he walks me around I cannot remember our conversation but do remember the end. In the end he is clothed in a black suite, he tells me it is about HELIOR. He tells me he is here to collect souls and wants me to help/join. I wake. It’s 5 am. Some research got me as far as May is the month of Lucifer. I realized after a few minutes HELIOR is an anagram of HOLIER. I then set back to go to sleep and ask WHO ARE YOU REALLY? Then I dream of my room, I am asking this question, I look down at the corner of the bed on the floor. This huge moth flies towards me, it is massive. “This is who I am” came the answer.”

I am trying to find moth connections, and anything else, but it really felt weird. Any thoughts welcome, since my messages feature much lightbringers mentions…:)

Dreams of zucchini (courgettes)

2013 has been somewhat unkind to me so far. Especially with health related issues. However after much stress and tribulations and doctor visits I was finally given the all clear on thursday. Yes I will need some treatments but fortunately it is nothing serious as they thought at first.

I let my hair down (a lot) on thursday, I really needed it and offered many grateful thanks to friends and Angels (especially Raphael) for the help and support. And then I went on to have this weird dream last night:

“I am in the kitchen and I need to make a zucchini casserole. I am being careful to cut the zucchini the right shape and size so they fit perfectly in the casserole dish. I succeed”.

Some of you might know if you have visited my website that I also interpret dreams. Anyway after some thoughts and some research I have come to the conclusion that this was a post stress healing dream. Courgettes are green = balance. They also might indicate that I need to make sure to eat enough healthy foods full of antioxidants and folate to help with the tiredness and stress suffered recently. When you dream of certain foods make sure you research what they mean for your body, for it might be simply your body suggesting you lack certain nutrients.


Of a mind too busy…with messages coming through. What do you see? I kept seeing pink for days (in my mind lol) and so I had to give it a form ;). Letters are there too but what do they mean?

ramblingsPink is also a colour related to peace, harmony and love and Archangel Chamuel.

Spider comes back

I have been ill for the last week or so and only since yesterday I have really started to feel human again. My sleep has improved greatly (thanks magnesium) and I feel much more energized. And for the past couple of nights I have started remembering my dreams again.

Last night was a bit baffling but my friend spider came back:

“I was living back in Italy but my house was only half the way it used to be. My mum and other people were living there. Then at some point I got really cross with her because she left me by myself to go out with these people. When she eventually came back she looked dazed and confused, almost drunk (she does not drink in real life). That’s when I leave the house and find myself walking towards the beach/riverside not sure if it was  a sea or a river. I see a spider. So I follow the grassy and tree-lined path down towards the water. When I reach the water’s edge I see many webs amongst the branches. And spider is by my side.”

There is more but I don’t really remember well. I think the spider implies the need for moving and start weaving. Also following up from the comment on my previous post about not procrastinating! (yeah that’s me) The webs are half weaved, the water the open path to what is ahead. I almost see the Tarot card 6 of Swords here. For the need to sail away.