
The Angel of the Yellow Ray is also connected to the Solar Plexus chakra point. Which is very important for emotional balance, stress and tiredness/apathy.

I have had this colour on mind for a while which is unusual for me since I really dislike yellow. A quick “scan” with the help of Reiki energy found imbalances both in my solar plexus and base chakra (the latter was way overactive).

This is what came of it when I put it on canvas

Yellow Ray

I also thought it formed a nice connection with my Phoenix…what do you think?


New beginnings

After a break for the Holidays and the start of 2014 things are starting to move forward again. I have to say I was mighty glad to see the back of 2013. It wasn’t a good year for health, loss and all sort of mishaps.

Last December I also experienced a really weird OBE where I found myself in the middle of the night first above myself, then on the other side of my bedroom, simply looking around. Everything was bathed in an orange glow, if felt peaceful. The, suddenly, I whooshed back into my body with a very loud noise through the top of my head.

Then, at the beginning of January, I was woken up again in the middle of the night by a man sitting on my bed frantically gesticulating at me. He was talking too but I can never hear them unfortunately. He was holding a white book/notebook. I still have not found out who he was or anymore about him as he has not made another appearance.

Now things are fairly quiet. I am having a slow January, still have not gotten back fully into my spiritual work. But I have plans, many of them and I look forward sharing them with you through 2014.

Next is a painting I have started working on focused on AA Jophiel and Gabriel. But it is still in its infancy for now, as I said I am gradually immersing myself back into it all.

I wish you all a Blessed 2014 and look forward to sharing this year journey with you all.

Namaste 🙂