The Halloween Oracle

Well, it’s that season again and it’s my favorite time of the year. How could I possibly resist this deck? This is not a Tarot deck but a 36 cards oracle deck. And, so far, it has not disappointed. Beautiful artwork and good card stock, this deck will be for all Samhain/Halloween lovers to read with and one to collect too.

The booklet comes with explanations for each image/meaning and the deck reads easily and is spookily (pun intended) accurate. I love the size too, I generally prefer bigger decks and this is what I would call a slightly larger size but shuffles well nonetheless. So far I have mainly read with it for myself and it has extracted some ohhhh-ahhhhh’s as to its accuracy.

This makes a nice addition to my decks (I lost count), unfortunately there aren’t many Halloween themed decks, The Halloween Tarot (my all time favorite) being the main one and this oracle deck will be the perfect companion I feel.


I would recommend this deck for beginners and non and for all, like me, that are totally “Halloween obsessed” 😉

Readers and Healers event

Am having to upload this here so I can share it on FB, silly social network won’t accept pdf’s. Anyhow, if anyone in the London area is interested, it is for a good cause, I will be there providing Reiki and complementary therapies. 🙂


Readers flyer v5 (2) (1)-1 Copy

Tarot Spells

I created a simple handout guide for the London Tarot Study Group latest Tarot spells session that took place last Sunday. This is just an excerpt and contains a couple of exercises for you to practice creating your own Tarot Spells. The full version of the course can be bought on my website in the COURSES section. Feel free to add comments and/or feedback :). Most of all, have witchy fun 😉
