The Light Exchange

I had a beautiful dream last week of floating above a green hill and ahead of me a beautiful castle/palace, bright white and shining with light. It felt an immensely peaceful place but, although it had 4 towers and walls, there were no windows. I endeavour to go back to the dream and I have also asked for clarity as to what that place represents for me. Unfortunately this week I simply have been too busy and tired to properly give it a try, however I have started to paint what it “felt” like for me. This is the first outline and by no means finished, I still need to add more layers and details. I have to say this is not what I expected to appear on the canvas :). Will post the finished work once done.

The Light Exchange

Dreams of zucchini (courgettes)

2013 has been somewhat unkind to me so far. Especially with health related issues. However after much stress and tribulations and doctor visits I was finally given the all clear on thursday. Yes I will need some treatments but fortunately it is nothing serious as they thought at first.

I let my hair down (a lot) on thursday, I really needed it and offered many grateful thanks to friends and Angels (especially Raphael) for the help and support. And then I went on to have this weird dream last night:

“I am in the kitchen and I need to make a zucchini casserole. I am being careful to cut the zucchini the right shape and size so they fit perfectly in the casserole dish. I succeed”.

Some of you might know if you have visited my website that I also interpret dreams. Anyway after some thoughts and some research I have come to the conclusion that this was a post stress healing dream. Courgettes are green = balance. They also might indicate that I need to make sure to eat enough healthy foods full of antioxidants and folate to help with the tiredness and stress suffered recently. When you dream of certain foods make sure you research what they mean for your body, for it might be simply your body suggesting you lack certain nutrients.