Healing with Archangel Michael

A few days ago I participated in a shamanic group clearing to bid farewell to 2013 and welcome 2014, this year for me has been one of the worst, one thing after another…so I decided clearing would be a good idea and I love shamanic drumming anyway.

 AA Michael appeared while during a healing in a shamanic journey I was performing for the person I was partnered with (we both worked alone and in pairs), the focus was to ask what this person needed healing with or rid of. When it was my turn to journey for him I just kept seeing this Royal Blue light and was told I had to “shroud” this person in it and help heal. Then, after a while, this bright red orb appeared over his solar plexus chakra and stayed there. Then a voice suggested I tell him to keep healing he had to remember “Blue” and “Healing Words”. After I told him, he said he had issues with communication and had been meaning to “write” a book about his healing experiences for a while and was told so a few times but never summoned up the courage. He also said this will help a lot in deciding how to move forward 🙂 . I mentioned AA Michael presence and he was comforted, I also told him to keep protected and grounded, for I felt that was also part of the message.

Very grateful 😀

My ex husband came back to me…

This encounter, although not of the Angelic kind, was kindly shared by Nancy :):

“In April my ex husband who died 20 years ago appeared to me. I was sound asleep when suddenly I woke up and he was sitting on my bed. I hadn’t seen him in 40 years but he looked the same except his hair was longer, to his shoulders and his face was fuller. He had  medium grey or black with grey streaks running through it, and a T-shirt on. He was adamantly trying to tell me something. After what seemed like forever he reached over and gently rubbed the left side of my face with his right hand and disappeared. I still don’t know what he wanted me to know”…


Angel Encounters (part 2)

Here is another short story of an Angelic encounter. This one was kindly shared by Bernadette:

Night Angel

“The one and only encounter I’ve had in my waking life was an Angel in my living room, I was up to go to the rest room about 3:15 am, I see a light on in the living room and I thought my husband was up watching television and was about to get up to check on him when I discovered he was still sleeping in bed, as I look back into the living room, the light is gone, the light was bright white so I wasn’t concerned about it being anything negative, my chihuahua also never barked and she was on the couch in the same room. I’ve had them visit in my dreams as most of us do, but this was the first time I was blessed enough to catch their light.”

Angel Encounters (Part 1)

I am going to post several true life Angel encounters and experiences, stories that friends have kindly “donated” and given me permission to post. Some I will keep anonymous, some not, but they all are lovely :). Oh and by the way, if anyone reading this has any Angel story to share please free to contact me with it. The first story was shared with me by my lovely friend Nefer and it’s about Archangel Michael, so here goes:

Nefer encounter with Archangel Michael

“It was a dark & stormy night – really it was. My family & I were driving back home from my husband’s grandfather’s funeral. It was in Hobbs, New Mexico & we had to drive all the way back to Corpus Christi, and it’s around a 14-hour drive. We were out in the middle of nowhere & it was raining terribly & at night. Visibility was at a minimum, when I noticed the gas gauge was dangerously low. I prayed to AA Michael to get us to the next gas station safely & without having to push the car. We just made it & as we pulled up to a pump the car stopped dead. PERFECT!

Stuart was out in the rain pumping the gas while Ariel & I were in the car. I saw this very tall man approach Stuart & start chatting to him. Now, both men were standing IN THE POURING RAIN. It was coming down fairly hard & Stuart was already soaked, but then I noticed something very strange. No rain was hitting the man. He was DRY! I thought no, must be our window is dirty or something. It bothered me so much that I rolled down my window to be sure. No, the man was PERFECTLY 100% DRY! He then leaned over to look in at me.

He was so tall, around 7 ft (Stuart is 6 ft & this man was markedly taller than Stuart). He smiled at me & said, “good thing you noticed the gas gauge, right?” I smiled up at him & said “yes,” then he said to me, “it’s also a very good thing you asked for help.” So I just figured Stuart told him I had prayed to Michael & I told the man I always have faith that help will be there. The man then nods in agreement & says, “yeah, I know.”

Well, I think nothing of it. The inside of the car was getting wet & I forgot all about that man staying perfectly dry as rain was falling all around us. He walks off into the darkness, NOT toward the gas station, and NOT toward another car. He walked off toward a small clump of trees to the right of the gas station. As Stuart was getting in the car I grabbed his arm & said, “where do you think that man is going?” Stuart looked over at him & said, “hmm, that’s weird.” We had to then drive past those trees to get back onto the main road, as we did so Stuart flashed our brights & the man was NOWHERE. He had simply walked into the few trees that were there & he was GONE.

I then told Stuart how the man had mentioned the gas gauge & asking for help. Well, Stuart about had a STROKE! He said there was NO WAY the man would have known about the gas gauge & my noticing it was dangerously low without him saying something to him. Stuart said he didn’t say a word about that or about me always praying to AA Michael for help. Well, we then looked at each other. Said nothing. We looked at each other again. Then he said, “You don’t think …” and his voice trailed off. Gosh, I still get chills ALL OVER & this happened 12 years ago! I then said, “well, didn’t you notice something weird about him? He wasn’t wet! It rained all over, but he was DRY.” Stuart’s mouth worked, but no words came out. We drove on & I said to him, “Stuart, that must have been Michael. Who else would have known about the gas gauge & my asking for help? He’s the only one I prayed to!”

To this day I firmly believe it was Michael or at the very least another angel sent by him to help us. And for the record, if this was Michael, he’s damn good-looking! Curly short brown hair, vivid greenish bluish eyes, & a smile that would knock your socks off! High cheek bones, very nice manly chin. Just perfection.”

A paranormal investigation

Hear hear! After years of watching them on TV I finally got to participate in one. Now since it was a Sunday evening and due to licensing reasons the evening had to end at around 10.30, however we got a good few hours in this very beautiful pub called The Mitre in Lancaster gate, London. The story goes the building is haunted, the most famous ghost is that of “Old Mary” a scullery servant girl who had the misfortune to have an affair with the Lord owner. When the wife found out she knifed her to death (yes in the scullery itself).

There are rumours that the ghost of a coachman also haunts the venue. But back to the investigation. From the start we got lots of small activity. Orbs were roaming about in abundance. I could sit in the scullery watching the tv monitor flicking from room to room and see orbs going by at lightning speed! Also most of the pictures I took look like we were sitting in a smoking room. While some of it might be the mild effect of the low lights, some were so hazy that in one I took of my friend (and co-organizer Jon) his lower body could hardly be seen.

The first picture someone took of me had what looked like a white mist above my head, by the shelf corner. As we were split in 2 groups we regrouped at the end to swap experiences and it was amazing to find that both groups had similar experiences. Even when both tried to contact spirits it appeared they both got the same letters and codes and numbers, as I said we were separated in different rooms so hardly any contact (also if you wonder why I am relating this like an observer is because I was one, if you go back to my previous post about Ouija boards you will know I do not play with them).

I am really looking forward to all the evidence being reviewed and posted, all I have is what I took which, considering the circumstances, was pretty good!

Oh! And regarding the smokey pictures…I was advised afterwards that Lord Craven owned a huge tobacco and cigars firm, it is apparently still operating somewhere in Asia.

This is the location of the investigation : The Mitre

The organizing group you can find them here London Haunts & Horrors

If anything else comes up from the recordings taken I will post again.

And here are a couple of pictures 🙂

The Scullery


White mist

White mist


My first (and only) O.B.E. (Out of Body Experience)

Many years ago (18 or so) I was entering a darker and challenging period in my life. It wasn’t unhappy per se but some events and choices I made triggered more events and even more consequences that eventually led to some not very pleasant experiences. I wasn’t doing Tarot then (although I had been a few years previously) and consciously stepped out of anything “psychic” due to a previous series of events that had upset me.

One night I got back late from work I was very tired and had a few drinks so decided I would just go to sleep. At some point before dawn I woke up, what woke me up were voices and screaming. As I looked around what would have been my bedroom I saw I was standing somewhere fairly dark, the terrain brown and muddy and curved…like on a very steep slope. It was very cold and, ahead of me pitch black darkness. Behind me, light but very far away. And as I became aware of being in a “different place”, of the cold and the vacuum surrounding me I also suddenly became aware of a very palpable sense of fear, anguish, dread and pain. I switched my awareness to the voices and I “saw” all around me people. Well they looked like people and there was no mistaking that they were absolutely terrified and in pain. I got scared and started panicking and then I realized I wanted to go back to my room…as I thought that I literally *whooshed* (that is how it felt like) back to the room (through the light that was behind me) but then I was on the room ceiling, looking down at my body and desperately wanting to get to it but not quite succeeding. I kept looking at the familiar things in there my clothes, wardrobes etc thinking what the heck, am I dead? Then once more I thought I needed to go back down and back into my body I was. It felt like I landed from a great height, almost like a thud. I did not manage to go back to sleep that night.

To this day I don’t know if that place was what we called “limbo” or what but it certainly was not a place of happiness. Also I have thought to myself after reading more on the subject that my experience resembled more an NDE than a OBE, however I did not have any health related issues at the time and think I would have noticed if I had suffered a heart attack or something similar during sleep. I also wonder if I still have a connection because now that I actively do work with spirit I still occasionally get very unhappy/terrified souls coming through. This has never happened again to me since. From time to time I think of this place and why I was led there, perhaps it was a roundabout message for the healing work that I was meant to start years later. Or perhaps it was just a reflection of the darkness I was going through at the time.

A ghostly house sitting part 2

Well this time I was there only for a week (for part 1 click HERE ) but on arriving things were quiet. The cat did her usual thing of chasing shadows but hey, she’s a cat and only she can see so I was not too worried about it, although the hallway (where the previous apparition occurred) seemed to be her particular focus of shadow chasing. The first night went ok beside some banging which again woke me up in the early hours of the morning. So, on the second day, I decided to smudge. I did not wish to be awake most of the night when, this time, I actually needed to get up to go to work the next day. And smudge I did. Thoroughly. That night I slept through.

In fact after that pretty much the whole week went quietly, I took loads of pictures this time with no significant result and the only incident of note was the one I reported in this POST which had to do with waking up in the middle of the night with a floating white orb in front of my face.

I guess the smudging worked then 🙂 (I do really dislike the smell of sage but hey it’s for good cause). The only other “incident” worthy of note was on the following saturday whilst doing some Tarot readings online I suddenly saw a woman standing beside me in the little office and I jumped! However this was related to that particular reading I think and not to the house.

I still think for some reason this is a very active location (at least for me) and am very curious to perhaps give it another try in the future to see if any of the energies have changed or perhaps even lessened.

On coming back to my house a week later though it was a totally different story….

Orbs and colour meanings

I have been having very active dreams (and a little more, post to follow) since landing again in my friend ghostie house that I posted about HERE . However last night after making it through most of the night quietly I got woken up before dawn again by voices. And a woman (very unusually speaking in Italian since my dreams have been in english for years) shouting:  “Basta!” which means stop or enough.

The woman had long brown hair and looked fairly young…but that is not what the post is about. As I opened my eyes (thinking *sigh not again*) right before my face hovered a white orb, inches away literally and it was about the size of my open hand. I did not move  for a few seconds and neither did it. Then I thought: “ok I need to go back to sleep, it’s like 4 am”, so I looked at it and asked for it to leave as I needed to go back to sleep (how mundane) and for the protection I put on me before going to bed to hold. And it disappeared. Just like that.

This is the same room where last year I experienced the white flickering lights and I think this is no coincidence. Now I am aware of the orb phenomena (and also that 99% are perfectly explainable and normal) but if this was a speck of dust it was a heck of a big one and it lighted itself too. However I do not know much about them so I set researching a bit since a friend also mentioned not knowing of many white orbs and, while nothing of course is proven, this is what I came up with in regard to orbs and their colour meaning:

White is an Angelic Being. High frequency, protection and shielding.

Red means stress or restlessness.

Clear Red means high energy.

Deep Red could mean the person/spirit passed in a violent manner, anger.

Peach means the ability to comfort.

Orange means healing energy.

Gold means free-flowing energy and tolerance.

Yellow means caution.

Yellow green mean psychic growth.

Green means healing, fertility.

Turquoise means amusement, neutrality.

Light Blue means tranquility.

Pilot Light Blue means shielding.

Dark Blue means shielding, shyness, survivor instinct.

Lavender means at peace with God.

Purple means stored information.

Violet means seeking spiritual.

Silver means telekinetic power.

Brown means a connection to the earth.
I have 3 more nights left here, perhaps 4, who know what they will bring, shall keep you posted :).

A ghostly house sitting

Last year around September time I was asked by a friend to house sit while she was away and look after her lovely cat. I jumped at the chance to have some space to myself for 2 weeks (I share a flat and well…hate it lol) in a quiet street and finally (and hopefully) sleep well. I met the neighbours to let them know a stranger was gonna be there and not to worry and they were lovely, I was so excited, I love being on my own and in a quiet space. The bedroom I slept in was at the back of the house and all you could see outside the windows were fields, so quiet!

The first night I got woken up at about 4 am by banging, sounded like someone hammering at the other side of the room. I thought, strange since my friend assured me neighbours would not be noisy and they seemed really nice. The second night same thing. By then I was getting annoyed, since I had also taken the 2 weeks off work to make sure I would rest and catch up with my studies. The third night, same thing only when I opened my eyes I could see around the bedroom door lots of twinkling lights, it looked like someone had draped white fairy lights all over the door! I thought: “Oh for crying out loud I thought I left all this at home”…I prayed for my spirit guides to help protect me (I always ground and protect before bed anyway) and particularly asked for Archangel Micheal help. Then went back to sleep. And dreamt of a blonde girl who came through and wanted me to give a message to someone. I woke up again and asked her to leave, this is now 5 am and I want to sleep!

When I woke in the morning, feeling tired, I found the bedroom door was open (I made sure it was properly shut before bed), I remember mumbling something then heading downstairs to go make some coffee..and there he was. In the hallway, by the front door a man standing there, dressed in cosy home clothes, cardigan and slippers. I almost (I say almost) screamed since I thought I was being burgled, then he disappeared. As I got to the bottom of the stairs and turned the corner he was sitting on the living room sofa. I went and made coffee and then tried to think how I was going to get peace. I could not clear the space properly since most of my things I would use were in my own home but, after breakfast, I burned some incense, light cleansed the house and asked him to simply leave me alone at night. I did ask that, if anything was important, it could be conveyed during the day. He never woke me again, all I could see in the following days was a shadow but never as clear as it was that morning. The 4th night the girl also came back in my dream too to apologize for having woken me and assured me I would not be bothered, and she did keep her word.

When my friend came back from holiday I was of two minds if to tell her or not since I know she is not big on this kind of things. Then decided I would tell her as I trust her and I know she trusts me. Turns out she had been seeing shadows for ages but thought not much of it (being of very logical and analytical mind and a tad skeptic), she thought she might be seeing the cat running around until, one day, she realized the cat was not in the house. She thanked me for being honest and decided she would live with the “ghost” as she was not too bothered. Every now and then things do “go bump in the night” there still but no harm done. I am looking forward however to my next house sitting there :).

I have not been able to find out who the man was but he was tied to the house and he was ill from some respiratory disease which probably caused his passing. A medium friend of mine came over one day and, before I told her, she said to me: “Do you know there is a man here?” It was nice to have confirmation in a way but I feel he will need to eventually move on.

How NOT to use a Ouija board

I have never really “played” with these as always believed that it would have to be done the right way and not jokingly like most people do (or drunkenly) for things to work out well.

Then one day, foolishly, I got drunk with a few friends and decided to try it thinking I was “experienced” enough to cope with it and half believing nothing would happen anyway. So the 3 of us sat down, kept drinking and asked if anyone was there and wanted to talk to us. It took a couple of minutes for the shot glass we were using as a planchette to start moving. First it was random. We tried asking specific questions but got nonsensical answers. So we started chatting and laughing and then we asked again if anyone was having difficulty coming through and what was the message. Then it spelled my name. Then it went faster and faster and the atmosphere in the room changed when we realized what it was spelling. B**TCH, killing WH*RE, child killer. The latter kept coming over and over again. I had no idea why neither had my friends. It just kept going at me. So we said we were closing the connection, burnt a candle and to bed we went.

After a few days we started seeing a “shadow figure” roaming the flat. The first to notice was my friend small boy (who knew nothing about this) that kept saying to his mum: “I keep seeing a shadow following me and one came out of Ant’s room”. Then we all saw it, more and more. It looked like a thin man (shadow) with a tall top hat. We researched a bit and learned more about the “shadow people”, but even then I felt it was different. It took 2 months of rituals, clearing, cleansing and banishing for this thing to finally go away and, since then, I have not tried this again.

It took me a few years (well almost 10) to realize what this low level spirit meant and it made me cry and get angry. How did I realize what it meant? Well it’s quite funny (not really) as I was at a cinema a few months ago watching this film about a woman who was possessed by multiple demons. Her surname was the same as mine and I found it a bit creepy! In a scene, the daughter visits her in the insane asylum she is confined to by the Church, the daughter is distraught seeing the mother like that and then the(y) Demons speak: “child killer, child killer, you should not have murdered your child…”, the daughter cries as she had just lost a baby due to a termination she had to have (by the way the film is called The Devil inside).

You see, the same thing happened to me 25 years ago. In that moment I felt so angry. No one has the right to judge and I forgave whatever this thing was, but it taught me a lesson. Not everything out there is made of light. Can we bring it to the light? Possibly. I know this will never happen to me again simply because I won’t let it and I have moved on spiritually. But I’ll never forget.