AA Michael vortex

This was created for a friend :). Colours are warm and healing.

Picture was taken just after finishing it.

Blue for healing, white for clearance and purple for spiritual connection.

Now working on the next one :), contact me for questions/enquiries

Archangel Michael healing

The Halloween Oracle

Well, it’s that season again and it’s my favorite time of the year. How could I possibly resist this deck? This is not a Tarot deck but a 36 cards oracle deck. And, so far, it has not disappointed. Beautiful artwork and good card stock, this deck will be for all Samhain/Halloween lovers to read with and one to collect too.

The booklet comes with explanations for each image/meaning and the deck reads easily and is spookily (pun intended) accurate. I love the size too, I generally prefer bigger decks and this is what I would call a slightly larger size but shuffles well nonetheless. So far I have mainly read with it for myself and it has extracted some ohhhh-ahhhhh’s as to its accuracy.

This makes a nice addition to my decks (I lost count), unfortunately there aren’t many Halloween themed decks, The Halloween Tarot (my all time favorite) being the main one and this oracle deck will be the perfect companion I feel.


I would recommend this deck for beginners and non and for all, like me, that are totally “Halloween obsessed” 😉

Is today’s spirituality genuine?

I took a break from blogging for 2 reasons:

a) I have been busy;

b) I feel better blogging when I have something to say (or to get off my chest) rather than just making up daily blogs for the sake of google ratings.

However I come back a little disillusioned. In the last few years of my spiritual journey I discovered that there were things I used to want to do that I did not want to do anymore, and other new ones entered my life that, even now, are propelling me on a quite different path.

But the more I read, learn and meet people the more it seems that the whole thing of Love, Light, and working this way is really just a facade for ego boosting and money-making.

Now don’t get me wrong, there are plenty of genuine and loving people out there and we all need to make a buck to pay our bills.

But what I am seeing more and more that makes me so uncomfortable are people playing God. With internet access being so huge so many claim to be this or that, or being able to give you this or that. I have (many times over) witnessed so-called “qualified” coaches and therapist telling someone suffering from depression that it was solely their fault for being negative. Or people charging great amount of money to “rid” someone of negativity. People claiming to cure terminal illnesses. While some of this has probably always been around, the internet now is making it oh so easy for people who are desperate or in unbearable pain to reach out to these people. And there is also the issue that of course these affects the reputation of genuine therapists, coaches etc.

I don’t know if there is a solution for this. But it saddens me to see it. As an empath I feel sometimes the person pain while they reach out. And therein lies the power. I’ll stop ranting now, but I hope that someday we will all reach the higher consciousness needed to realise that in order to help others we first need to help and heal ourselves.

Namaste 🙂


Simple candlework for protection

Ideally for this you should really make your own candle melt, so I’ll explain first a couple of ways how to do that and then, if you cannot do that, you can simply use a black candle (solid colour not dipped).

To make your own:

Ecosoy wax flakes (100g should be plenty for 2/3 melts) and 5g of black candle dye, or alternatively break off a black candle and melt it again. You can then pour it in a specific wax melt container or use rubber molds (THIS IS AN EXAMPLE ) Melt safely in a heatproof container (a Pyrex jug  is fine if melting the wax over water or you can buy a more professional candle wax melting pot).

Whichever way you use once melted then add:

– dried rosemary ( a couple of pinches)

– 4 drops of mandrake oil

– a pinch of ground nutmeg

– 4 drops of rose essential oil

Let it set properly (usually overnight) then use by melting slowly in an oil burner. Once used you can easily take off the hardened wax by putting the burner in the fridge for about 10 minutes.

This is something I LOVE to do (please be careful though!) because although I love buying ready-made candles, it simply adds to the ritual of making “special candles” like protection ones or spell candles.

Why wax melts and not candles you may ask?? Well because they are EASIER to make and the end result is the same ;), enjoy!


The Angel of the Yellow Ray is also connected to the Solar Plexus chakra point. Which is very important for emotional balance, stress and tiredness/apathy.

I have had this colour on mind for a while which is unusual for me since I really dislike yellow. A quick “scan” with the help of Reiki energy found imbalances both in my solar plexus and base chakra (the latter was way overactive).

This is what came of it when I put it on canvas

Yellow Ray

I also thought it formed a nice connection with my Phoenix…what do you think?


New beginnings

After a break for the Holidays and the start of 2014 things are starting to move forward again. I have to say I was mighty glad to see the back of 2013. It wasn’t a good year for health, loss and all sort of mishaps.

Last December I also experienced a really weird OBE where I found myself in the middle of the night first above myself, then on the other side of my bedroom, simply looking around. Everything was bathed in an orange glow, if felt peaceful. The, suddenly, I whooshed back into my body with a very loud noise through the top of my head.

Then, at the beginning of January, I was woken up again in the middle of the night by a man sitting on my bed frantically gesticulating at me. He was talking too but I can never hear them unfortunately. He was holding a white book/notebook. I still have not found out who he was or anymore about him as he has not made another appearance.

Now things are fairly quiet. I am having a slow January, still have not gotten back fully into my spiritual work. But I have plans, many of them and I look forward sharing them with you through 2014.

Next is a painting I have started working on focused on AA Jophiel and Gabriel. But it is still in its infancy for now, as I said I am gradually immersing myself back into it all.

I wish you all a Blessed 2014 and look forward to sharing this year journey with you all.

Namaste 🙂

Healing with Archangel Michael

A few days ago I participated in a shamanic group clearing to bid farewell to 2013 and welcome 2014, this year for me has been one of the worst, one thing after another…so I decided clearing would be a good idea and I love shamanic drumming anyway.

 AA Michael appeared while during a healing in a shamanic journey I was performing for the person I was partnered with (we both worked alone and in pairs), the focus was to ask what this person needed healing with or rid of. When it was my turn to journey for him I just kept seeing this Royal Blue light and was told I had to “shroud” this person in it and help heal. Then, after a while, this bright red orb appeared over his solar plexus chakra and stayed there. Then a voice suggested I tell him to keep healing he had to remember “Blue” and “Healing Words”. After I told him, he said he had issues with communication and had been meaning to “write” a book about his healing experiences for a while and was told so a few times but never summoned up the courage. He also said this will help a lot in deciding how to move forward 🙂 . I mentioned AA Michael presence and he was comforted, I also told him to keep protected and grounded, for I felt that was also part of the message.

Very grateful 😀


The Light Exchange has seen some progress…but not done with it yet :).

But my thoughts are taken by yellow lately…Jophiel the Archangel of the yellow ray, of wisdom and beauty and creativity and overcoming negative thoughts and addictions…so I think once my supplies arrive I’ll start working on yellow again…there must be something to it since, naturally, I really dislike this colour ;).

Stay tuned….

The Light Exchange

My ex husband came back to me…

This encounter, although not of the Angelic kind, was kindly shared by Nancy :):

“In April my ex husband who died 20 years ago appeared to me. I was sound asleep when suddenly I woke up and he was sitting on my bed. I hadn’t seen him in 40 years but he looked the same except his hair was longer, to his shoulders and his face was fuller. He had  medium grey or black with grey streaks running through it, and a T-shirt on. He was adamantly trying to tell me something. After what seemed like forever he reached over and gently rubbed the left side of my face with his right hand and disappeared. I still don’t know what he wanted me to know”…